Angella SPA & Wellness
Konaci Apartments began as a result of very important factors of former Yugoslavia – togetherness, a team spirit which used to bring us together, a feeling of closeness, warmth, and love. Numerous companies participated in construction – four work actions were organized by the Ski Association of Serbia, The leader was Generaleksport, the most powerful company of former Yugoslavia.
From one smoldering idea, to a tangible and sustainable project: will, strength, enthusiasm, spirit, mind power and undisputed work. All this and much more happened because of one man, who made our unique idea happen. Architectural engineer Slobodan Mitrović Kobi, an architect, planner, construction manager for the Kopaonik tourist complex, and a visionary, is considered a progenitor of the so-called “Kopaonik architectural style”, which served as a foundation for the development of mountain tourism. This style implies construction which is adapted to current climate and landscape conditions, national tradition and humane, pleasant environment with traditionally welcoming catering values.
Not so long ago, in September 1980, after great efforts on the planned coverage and infrastructual equipment of Kopaonik, the municipalities of Raška and a Belgrade company called Generalexport have founded Geneks Kopaonik, a basis for tourism construction on Kopaonik. And then it was our time to shine!
Konaci Apartments are nestled at the very heart of the national park and the huge tourism center. The idea came to life. For four full decades this complex stands firm as the center of activities with a large number of catering facilities and restaurants. There are exchange offices, a post office, pharmacies, a bakery, bookstores, and everything without which a completely ordinary day can not even be imagined. And once the day becomes too ordinary, there is the huge Kopaonik ski slope which will make your adrenaline levels soar. There is a Fountain at the center square of the complex, and a covered promenade around it, That makes this settlement an actual miniature town.
Sunčani vrhovi, the apartment complex with six interconnected units, were built in the style of old monastery residences with three to five stories for your entire circle of family and friends. The apartments surround the central arranged square in a semicircle. They are named after medieval towns in Serbia: Maglič, Ras, Jelač, Zvečan, Koznik and Brvenik.
Formerly a settlement of Geneks, Sunčani vrhovi residences had a total of 393 apartments of various kinds, with a total of 1491 beds. Each apartment was equipped with a kitchenette featuring an electric stove, refrigerator, and all necessary dishes and kitchen utensils. The apartments came with a bathroom (TWC), a phone, a TV with a variety of domestic and satellite programs, as well as “TV KOP” cable TV, which provided useful information about the weather, entertainment and other events in the center via internal broadcast teletext.
Within the complex you can find the Lodgings Tower – the multifunctional congress center with one large and many smaller highly equipped auditoriums. This center is very suitable for organization of various congress and other performances, concerts, theatric plays and films that enrich the total offer of the tourism center with their contents.
Since 1987 on the site of today’s Angella SPA & Wellness there were residences named after Serbian towns Ras and Zvečan, Two decades later, they were merged.
Today, Angella SPA & Wellness lies on their foundations.

Angella Resort d.o.o